Lakme Fashion Week to Showcase 100 Designers

There is considerably more charm and gathering soul at Lakme Fashion Week as the occasion proceeds with the 15-year festivities that started with the LFW summer-resort season last March. 

The five-day winter/bubbly season opened Wednesday including 100 fashioners, a major jump from 84 in March. It is being seen as a period to take stock, both of the business and of the occasion, which opened with a pre-occasion show on Tuesday by since quite a while ago settled originator twosome Sandeep Khosla and Abu Jani. 

The show set the tone for ceremony and also celebrating with impressive weaved night dresses, a cream and gold shading palette and retro music that had the gathering of people foot tapping. 

"We have the senior most form creators, for example, Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla, Ritu Kumar, Tarun Tahiliani, Neeta Lulla, Anita Dongre and after that we have the more youthful fashioners who are propelled with the occasion. That is the appeal of Lakme Fashion Week," Saket Dhankar, VP and head of design at IMG Reliance Ltd., said. 

The design week is sorted out by IMG Reliance Pvt. Ltd., an endeavor between Reliance Industries Ltd. also, games showcasing and administration organization IMG Worldwide, in a joint effort with magnificence brand Lakme, which is an auxiliary of buyer merchandise organization Hindustan Unilever. LFW concentrates on the flow season and is known for spotlighting youthful architects. 

Dhankar said the procedure of making the shows more comprehensive has been ventured up, with a few occasions in different urban communities going before LFW, including a model pursuit and presentations in Hyderabad, Bangalore and Delhi a month ago. 

"When I assumed control in 2013, individuals seemed to think LFW is only a Mumbai thing. So this time, we needed to draw in with individuals crosswise over India. All things considered, we are a national occasion. Why if we confine ourselves just to Mumbai?" he said. 

Dhankar watched that the "strive after design is getting more grounded." 

"Also, on the off chance that you make quality design, the reaction is astounding. Individuals are considerably more responsive to design than they were some time recently. Our online networking has additionally got more grounded; we have more than two million supporters – on Google in addition, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter," he said.
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